Tedy’s Story
3x Super Bowl Champion with the New England Patriots, Pro Bowler, ESPN NFL analyst, husband, father…and stroke survivor.
Tedy Bruschi suffered a stroke in February 2005 at the age of 31, just weeks after winning his third Super Bowl with the New England Patriots and days after returning from playing in the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. As he recovered, Tedy and his wife, Heidi, dedicated themselves to raising awareness of stroke, being advocates, and inspiring stroke survivors across Massachusetts, New England and beyond.
Tedy and his wife Heidi, asked the American Stroke Association to work with them to create “Tedy’s Team,” a group of runners raising money for the American Stroke Association and training to complete the Boston Marathon®, the Falmouth Road Race and various travel races. Their participation supports Tedy and Heidi’s fight against stroke and heart disease and honors both the survivors and the loved ones lost to the nation’s No. 1 and No. 5 leading causes of death and No. 1 leading cause of disability.
Since its inception in 2005, Tedy’s Team has raised over $8 million for stroke research and education programs with the support and dedication of more than 1,500 participants. In addition to raising funds, Tedy’s Team continues to raise awareness of stroke and its warning signs and symptoms.
Tedy and Heidi are very excited to bring new life to what Tedy’s Team is all about. Tedy’s Team has a history of participating in some of the world’s leading running events, helping people live healthier lives through training for all types of races, while giving caregivers an outlet and survivors a chance for their own comeback, just like Tedy.
Tedy was a champion on the field and he continues to be one off the field, alongside Heidi, through their work on Tedy’s Team. He overcame great odds in his football career, and now in his personal encounter with stroke. You, too, can be a champion to everyone who has faced or will face the debilitating effects of stroke.
While we are known for our running teams, we welcome you to stay tuned to see what fantastic community outreach programs we will bring forward in the years to come. Tedy was able to get his comeback…now, it’s your chance.