Cambridge resident to run 128th Boston Marathon® as a member of Tedy’s Team®
In the Community

Cambridge resident and Tedy’s Team rookie, Jennifer Mace, will be joining Tedy’s Team® for the 128th Boston Marathon® next month.
In September of 2022, just a day after her twenty-sixth birthday, Jenn woke up to a text message from her mother, Melanie, asking her to call her as soon as possible. When her mom answered the phone, Jenn immediately knew something was wrong.

“She asked me how my birthday was, but her voice was oddly high-pitched, and the tears she had been fighting quickly caught in her voice,” said Jenn. “She assured me that she was okay, but that she was in the cardiac ICU at the hospital.”
Melanie was enjoying a weekend with friends when she suddenly fainted at dinner. When they got back to her friend’s house, she fainted several more times, losing consciousness for longer and longer periods. Her friends knew that something was wrong and called 9-1-1.
“There was something wrong with her heart, but the doctors had not yet determined the cause,” Jenn explained. “Doctors told my mom that she would make it through the night, so she decided to let me enjoy my birthday and not worry me.”
Over the next few days, Melanie underwent numerous tests before it was determined that she had a complete heart block. It was then that she was transported to another hospital to have a pacemaker defibrillator device implanted.
Thankfully, the surgery was successful, and Melanie is stable and back to a relatively normal life.
“I am incredibly grateful for my mom’s friends, the doctors, medical advancements and technology, that saved her life that night,” said Jenn.

In addition to her mother’s heart condition, Jenn’s dad, and auntboth have atrial fibrillation (Afib), and multiple other family members have been affected by stroke and heart disease.
On Monday, April 15th, Jenn, who grew up going to the Boston Marathon, will finally be on the other side of those barricades, as a runner instead of a spectator. To support her fundraising and awareness efforts, please visit her personal team member page and learn more about heart disease and stroke TODAY.
“I am so excited to be running the Boston Marathon with Tedy’s Team to increase awareness and fundraise for heart disease and stroke – two conditions that have deeply impacted my family,” explained Jenn. “With every stride I take on Marathon Monday, my aspiration is to make a meaningful contribution towards diminishing the prevalence and severity of these diseases, and to help survivors on their path to recovery.”
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